Thursday, April 28, 2011


"Until one is COMMITTED there is hesitancy,
a chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness.

Concerning all acts of initiative and creation,
there is one ELEMENTARY TRUTH,
the ignorance of which
kills countless dreams and splendid plans.

then PROVIDENCE moves too."

Whatever you can do or dream you can - begin it. 
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.

The Mind-Boggling Matter aka The Problem Statement

It is amazing that given the plentiful availability of management graduates, universities, management books, management gurus, management schools, management consulting companies etc, not counting the numerous methodologies, management tools etc – companies continued to be badly managed – or rather to be more accurate – ‘mediocrely managed’ – if such term exists.

Is it simply a question of it being ‘not-meant-to-be’ or is there some magic portion or formula that is still elusive ala the ‘youth elixir’ or the sacred ‘ holy grail’ – meant to be sought after but yet not to be found?

Or, (just to be fair) to look at it from a different perspective, “is being mediocre, BAD?”. Alas yet, all over the world from time immemorial people have been pursuing GREATNESS to the extent of lives lost, and homes and countries burnt!

So, is there such an answer – or to borrow from the X-Files, is it really the case of “the truth is STILL out there”?

Now, perhaps the journey starts - the search for the truth - or is there no such thing?